The Yo-Yo Economy

The price of oil bounced up 10% in one day. The Canadian dollar is up about one-third of a cent because of the oil price increase. Essentially, the Canadian dollar is a resource currency. Canada’s economy would be stronger if we were a value-added economy instead of a resource based economy. We’ve got great talent … Continue reading The Yo-Yo Economy

Why should I hire you? How quantifying value and results can grow your business.

When I was car shopping recently, the manufacturers and dealers were more than happy to flood me with detailed specifications about power and performance. Zero to sixty, 4.6 seconds. 400 horsepower. All wheel drive. There were fancy videos with powerful engines growling, tires howling, and even birds chirping when the environmentally friendly engine shut itself … Continue reading Why should I hire you? How quantifying value and results can grow your business.

Inc.: Million Dollar Advice for Outstanding Leaders on How To Grow Your Business

Do you want some power leadership tips to help you grow your business? Here is an article with advice for business leaders in small business, mid-market and Fortune 500 companies, by my friend and fellow consultant, Val Wright, who writes for Inc. magazine. We are presenting at Alan Weiss’s Million Dollar Consulting Convention in Atlanta … Continue reading Inc.: Million Dollar Advice for Outstanding Leaders on How To Grow Your Business