They were competing with their own invisibility.
Tag: Phil Symchych
DUDS in the Hotel Business
When the service is lousy, or the menu is boring, or the people aren’t trained, I blame management.
One sign of a good banker is that they know what you look like.
Little did I know that we were sitting on top of a million watt sub-woofer.
Back to School
What if the boss, instead of being the boss, was the teacher?
DUDS – Dumb Unilateral Decisions – Car Shopping
Here eyes and face are approaching the colour of the sun, which likely isn’t good for her complextion
Contingency Planning-BP's Lessons for Entrepreneurs
Here are some key steps for business owners and entrepreneurs to protect their reputations and business wealth
Small Business Optimism
small business optimism – around the world – was increasing as entrepreneurs’ confidence was climbing
Hey, big tipper…
What are you doing to reward (and retain!) your best people?
Sales lessons from the Ex
you will be a sales expert just like the guys and gals at the carnival