Car rental companies charge more for the peripherals than the basic product
Tag: Symco
Body Shop Twenty Questions
The customer is not always right
Are you competing against your own invisibility?
They were competing with their own invisibility.
DUDS in the Hotel Business
When the service is lousy, or the menu is boring, or the people aren’t trained, I blame management.
One sign of a good banker is that they know what you look like.
Little did I know that we were sitting on top of a million watt sub-woofer.
Back to School
What if the boss, instead of being the boss, was the teacher?
DUDS – Dumb Unilateral Decisions – Car Shopping
Here eyes and face are approaching the colour of the sun, which likely isn’t good for her complextion
Contingency Planning-BP's Lessons for Entrepreneurs
Here are some key steps for business owners and entrepreneurs to protect their reputations and business wealth
Small Business Optimism
small business optimism – around the world – was increasing as entrepreneurs’ confidence was climbing